Lewisham Station

Lewisham Station
Lewisham Station, NSW

Client: Sydney Trains 
Year: 2019
Scope: Design DA, Documentation
Team: Peter McGregor, Tina Chow
Location: Lewisham Station
Photography: Peter McGregor

This project followed a simple, yet powerful diagram due to the 3 dimensional complexitiy of the street, station and underpass, when compared to all 3 stations Parramatta, Burwood and Sydenham, previously worked on. 

The station required a generic facelift, however on closer interrogation, it required greater attention to address the lacking, almost invisible street presence of the station, providing an opportunity to create an improved identify and image by concentrating on the awnings above each of the station entries.  

The undepass as a thread to link opposing street entries and stairs in the middle leading to each platform were distinguished as key design opportunities with coloured wayfinding tiles to platform approach, and coloured glass panels.









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