Kensington Apartments

Kensington Apartments

Client Private
Year 2015
Scope Design, DA, Documentation
Team Wes Grunsell, Peter McGregor

Located on a prominent but tight South-East facing corner, the design has achieved more than the SEPP 65 benchmarks in terms of cross ventilation and sunlight. The approved design includes 31 apartments, 4 shops and has a broad range of apartment types such as cross over maisonettes, flat floor, dual orientation flat apartments and penthouses.

Kensington Apartments by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Kensington Apartments by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Kensington Apartments by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Kensington Apartments by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Kensington Apartments by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Kensington Apartments by McGregor Westlake Architecture


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