Burwood Station

Burwood Station Wall
Burwood Station, NSW

Client: Sydney Trains 
Year: 2014
Scope: Design DA, Documentation
Team: Peter McGregor, Tina Chow
Location: Burwood Station
Photography:Peter McGregor

This project required a simple budget “facelift” for the street address of Burwood Station to Burwood Road. This very busy interface was run down and decrepit. A new “false” wall was built that masked a myriad of services and inconsistent alignments. A datum was struck above eye level to minimize the overall surface area and then maximize the quality of finish on the chosen areas. 

A design was developed that emphasised the drama inherent within the space forged and over-shadowed by the 3 low lying bridges. A series of greens that referenced the adjacent Burwood Park and the shadows of the bridges was organised along a Fibonacci sequence, staggered to create a shadowed diagonal. Orange was chosen to highlight the entries and harmonise with the Sydney trains Logo. As with all our railway projects in Sydney, we try to use a brick module and often the Euroa Face tile for it’s rich and robust glazing.










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