Revisiting Chinatown Lights

Haymarket Lighting by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Thanks to City of Sydney and their public art offices for revisiting this project after some 20 years, when a corner building from which the “Heaven” lantern is suspended off, is to be demolished. It was such a great privilege to work with Hassell, led by architect and urban designer Ken Maher and Howard Choy; Architect and Feng Shui master on this extensive lighting project!

“Earth” is to be rebuilt as a part of the DA. So many ideas in this project, but in the end we were looking for a visceral beauty.

Thanks also to bruce from Deuce Design with whom we further developed “Earth”

Haymarket Lighting by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Haymarket Lighting by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Haymarket Lighting by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Haymarket Lighting by McGregor Westlake Architecture

Haymarket Lighting by McGregor Westlake Architecture


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